Welcome back to FIYA Sports for the 2024-25 school year! Please read below for important information and updates to get you ready for our upcoming seasons.
1. REVIEW UPDATED DOCUMENTS - We highly recommend you review our (i) Regulations Manual and (ii) FAQ About Athletic Events document posted on our website under the About tab.
2. COACH CERTIFICATION - Every coach in FIYA League Events will need to have their NAYS coaching certification card. A NAYS card obtained in 2020 or after will be accepted for the 2023-24 school year. Please go to our Registration page for more information about our coaching certification program.
3. AWARDS – Each year we acknowledge Division 1 athletes for All League, All Academic and All Sportsmanship individual awards for each of our League Events. In addition, we host an annual FIYA Awards Assembly where we will acknowledge certain Division 1 student athletes for their achievements during the school year. More details can be found in the Regulations Manual (Article IV, Section 12).
4. REGISTRATION & PAYMENT - Registration and payment for League Events is through League Apps, and registration and payment for Cross Country and Track & Field is through Athletic.Net. Payment for all events can also always be made via check. All registration deadlines are on the main calendar under the "About" section above and on each sport's page. The cost for League Events is $695 per team for all levels. The cost for Tournament Events is typically $20 per athlete per event.
Please see our Registration tab for more information as well as links to League Apps and Athletic.net.

Since its founding in 2011, FIYA has served
FIYA believes in the power of school-based sports and the impact a school athletic program makes on schools and their communities. Our organization is proudly made up of school participants from all over Los Angeles County, ranging from the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach. As we continue to grow, it is our belief that every child should have an equal chance to play sports, and we hope one way that's possible is through FIYA and our partnership with our member schools' athletic programs!