On June 1, 2022, the Shanese Washington Memorial Scholarship Committee made up of Shanese's personal family members selected (2) two winners for our very first scholarship awards. Each student received $500 for their educational endeavors as they enter the next chapter of their lives. We had the privilege to honor these recipients at a private presentation, alongside our scholarship committee, FIYA staff, and the recipients' families at the St. Jerome School gym where Shanese spent much of her time working with youth and doing what she loved most, coaching.
In the 2021-22 school year, our first year presenting this scholarship, we had 16 wonderful 8th grade student-athletes who were nominated and applied for this noble award. Click here to read more on the 2022 scholarship process and nominees.

Scholarship recipients Saxon Bagby and Jordan Oziegbe pictured with FIYA Co-Founder and Executive Director, John Mueller and FIYA Co-Founder and Director of Operations, John Farren.
Before we spotlight our first student recipients, we'd like to thank the Shanese Washington Memorial Scholarship Committee for their dedication to this award, its visions, and for helping us truly bring it to life. Similarly, this scholarship would not be possible without the multitude of donors who have generously donated and continue to fuel our scholarship fund for years and students to come. Because of your enduring support, we were able to award and recognize these two very deserving students, who represent our community with the upmost character and no doubt have bright futures ahead.
more on OUR 2022 recipients
SAXON BAGBY, St. Jerome School
"Saxon Rose Bagby" a.k.a. known as 'Rosebud' is a very sweet and bright young lady. Her ability to persevere despite challenges is demonstrated on and off the court. I have known Saxon for three years and to see her blossom into this amazing student athlete is a true pleasure. If anyone asks Saxon where she gets her strength from, she replies, "I got it from my mom."
Saxon has lived up to the principles of the FIYA organization and she has been an excellent example of a true leader. Her goal to join the WNBA one day keeps her focused in school. Saxon is a dedicated student who makes sure to always give her best, which is 110%. She never falls short. Saxon's love for God, her integrity to always do right even when no one is looking, and her innate desire to succeed are all the qualities that make her more than rewarding of this scholarship.

Without a doubt, I am sure that Coach Shanese Washington is more than proud to look down from heaven and see Saxon receive this scholarship in her honor."
- Dr. Brown, Vice Principal St. Jerome School
Saxon was a key player on the St. Jerome Boys D-1 Basketball team, who had a successful season finishing 2nd Place in the 2022 FIYA Division 1A Playoffs.
"Being a part of the St. Jerome School’s FIYA basketball team, I have been taught many lessons... I have learned a lot and those experiences will take me really far in life. [Friendships], resiliency, and leadership skills are needed to be a successful athlete. It will impact me in high school and beyond because I can take those with me and use those so that I can become the best version and athlete of myself. Also, I can help people and encourage them with my lessons."
- Saxon Bagby, 2022 Scholarship Recipient

Saxon Bagby pictured with The Shanese Washington Memorial Scholarship Committee made up of Shanese's personal family members.

Saxon Bagby pictured with John Mueller, Co-Founder & Executive Director of FIYA.
JORDAN OZIEGBE, Frederick K.C. Price III Christian Schools
“Jordan Oziegbe is an 8th-grade (Class of 2022) student at Price Christian Schools that shows respect, integrity, and honesty, the three tenets of our athletic program.
FIYA’s sportsmanship goal to reflect in its’ participants of students, coaches and organization are essential, and Jordan has lived up to those principles. Part of sportsmanship is understanding fair play and showing ethical behavior even if no one else sees you.
During one of the games here at Price, Jordan has demonstrated remarkable sportsmanship; During a play in which an official had erroneously called the ball out on our opponent, Jordan, in a show of high integrity, informed the official that the ball indeed touched him last before going out of bounds. In his first year of playing organized basketball, Jordan has found the favor of my coaches, staff, and players here at Price.

He’s a developing leader who stands tall at 6’2, listens to his teammates, and builds them up through support while on and off the court. Jordan is a student who achieves his educational goals and has been noted as being a “brilliant” student.”
- Kelly Parkinson, Athletic Director, FKCP III Schools
Jordan plans to continue his education and play basketball at Frederick Price High School with dreams of becoming a cardiologist in the future.
"I am happy that I made the decision to join the basketball team and because of the
team, I have become a confident person. I have been able to overcome lot of my fears about school and life. I am a better person today and I believe the lessons learnt from playing on the team, will help me succeed in high school, college and beyond."
- Jordan Oziegbe, 2022 Scholarship Recipient

Jordan Oziegbe pictured with John Mueller, Co-Founder & Executive Director of FIYA.

Jordan Oziegbe pictured with The Shanese Washington Memorial Scholarship Committee made up of Shanese's personal family members.