2025 playoffs

Below are 2025 Basketball Playoff Brackets and Game Schedules. They will be updated regularly next week as playoff spots are clinched. Good luck to all the qualifying teams!
Girls Schedules & standings

Boys Schedules & standings

Leagues & Locations

FIYA organizes its leagues geographically for a regular season of approximately 8 games, followed by county-wide playoffs for qualifying D-1 teams. That is, we group school teams together based on their physical location in order to minimize travel. Our league events are also centralized which means our games occur at a location in that league's region which hosts multiple games per day. While exact locations always depend on facility availability, we will do our best to schedule your games as close to your school as possible.
Below is a link which shows addresses for all FIYA Facilities; note however that not all facilities are used for all sports.

Basketball Age Divisions

Division 1 = 8th Grade & Below
Division 2 = 6th Grade & Below
Division 3 = 4th Grade & Below
NOTE: Age divisions are the same for our Boys AND Girls Basketball leagues. Students are allowed to play in older divisions, but are prohibited from playing in lower divisions than their age group.